How to Register a Construction Company in US

If you are a construction company starting up in the United States, the first step is to get registered as an LLC. For this, you will need contact information for your company and the names and addresses of all members of your management team. You will also need a construction business name before you can start the registration process. You will also need to provide any other required financial or legal documents that state what kind of business entity you are (such as a corporation). After these requirements have been met, it is necessary to keep all paperwork on hand until authorities such as IRS or SBA have approved it. When approval has been granted by these companies, they may charge some fees for granting the license such as $5500 for statutorily exempt corporations, $150-300 at a minimum renewal rate with maximum annual fee of $1000.

  1. If you are a construction company starting up in the United States, the first step is to get registered as an LLC. For this, you will need contact information for your company and the names and addresses of all members of your management team. You will also need to provide any other required financial or legal documents that state what kind of business entity you are (such as a corporation).
  2. After these requirements have been met, it is necessary to keep all paperwork on hand until authorities such as IRS or SBA have approved it. When approval has been granted by these companies, they may charge some fees for granting the license such as $5500 for statutorily exempt corporations, $150-300 at a minimum renewal rate with maximum annual fee of $1000.
About The Author
I am a business naming expert for more than 8 years. If you need help with your business name, I am the right person to ask for help. So if you have any questions or need suggestions about your new business name, you can send me a message and I will help you!